Hydrogen v1.2.4 Manual


Antonio Piraino

Alessandro Cominu

Thijs Van Severen

Sebastian Moors

Colin Evans

Philipp Müller


Hydrogen is a software synthesizer which can be used alone, emulating a drum machine based on patterns, or via an external MIDI keyboard/sequencer software. Hydrogen runs on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
1. Download
2. Build
3. Keyboard and Mouse
3.1. Keyboard usage in Editors
II. Using Hydrogen
4. Overview
4.1. Main User Interface
4.2. Drumkit Concept
4.3. Virtual Keyboard
4.4. Recording in Hydrogen
4.5. Session Management
4.6. Command-line Options
5. Preferences
5.1. General
5.2. Audio System
5.3. MIDI System
5.4. OSC
5.5. Appearance
6. Main Menu
6.1. Project
6.2. Undo
6.3. Drumkits
6.4. Instruments
6.5. View
6.6. Options
6.7. Debug
6.8. Info
7. Main Toolbar
7.1. Transport Control
7.2. Tap Tempo and Beat Counter
7.3. BPM Control and Metronome
7.4. CPU Usage and MIDI in
7.5. JACK Control
7.6. GUI State
8. Song Editor
8.1. Main Controls
8.2. Song Editor modes
8.3. Sidebar
8.4. Timeline
8.5. Tags
8.6. Playback Track
8.7. Automation Path
9. Pattern Editor
9.1. General
9.2. Drum Pattern Editor
9.3. Note Properties Editor
9.4. Piano Roll Editor
10. Sound Library (Drumkit/Pattern/Song Manager)
10.1. Drumkits
10.2. Songs
10.3. Patterns
11. Instrument Editor
11.1. General
11.2. Layers
12. Sample Editor
12.1. Wave Display and Region Editing
12.2. Pitch Shifting
12.3. Playback and Envelope Editor
13. Mixer
13.1. Instrument Channel Strips
13.2. Component Channel Strips
13.3. FX Rack and LADSPA Plugins
13.4. Master Fader Strip
14. Director
15. Playlist Editor
15.1. Main Window
15.2. Menu
16. MIDI
16.1. MIDI Input
16.2. MIDI Note Rendering
16.3. MIDI Output
16.4. MIDI Controlling
17.1. Basics
17.2. Commands
III. Examples
18. A New Song
18.1. Song Mode and Pattern Mode
18.2. A New Pattern
18.3. A New Sequence
18.4. Adjust from the Mixer
19. Create a New Drumkit
19.1. Creating a New Drumkit
19.2. Creating a New Instrument
19.3. Tips on Editing Instruments
IV. Appendix
20. Licensing
20.1. License Parsing
20.2. Common Licenses
21. Used File Types
22. Shortcut Lists

List of Figures

4.1. The Main UI in Single Pane mode
4.2. The Main UI in Tabbed mode
5.1. The General Tab
5.2. The Audio System Tab
5.3. The MIDI System Tab
5.4. The OSC Tab
5.5. The Interface Tab
5.6. The Colors Tab
5.7. The Font Tab
6.1. The Main Menu
6.2. Import Drumkit
6.3. The Audio Engine View
7.1. The Main Toolbar
8.1. The Song Editor
8.2. The Pattern Options menu
8.3. The Dialog to Change the Pattern Properties
8.4. Dialog Window for Adding Tags
8.5. The Automation Path Widget
9.1. Pattern Editor in Drum Mode
9.2. Pattern Editor Controls
9.3. The Sidebar of the Pattern Editor
9.4. Pattern Editor in Drum Mode
9.5. The Note Properties Ruler set to Velocity
9.6. The Note Properties Ruler showing the NoteKey Property
9.7. Pattern Editor in Piano Mode
10.1. The Soundlibrary
11.1. The Instrument editor General view
11.2. The Instrument Editor Layers View
11.3. The Layer Section of the Instrument Editor
12.1. The Sample Editor
12.2. The Wave Display Section of the Sample Editor
12.3. The Pitch Shifting Section of the Playlist Editor
12.4. The Envelope Section of the Sample Editor
13.1. The Mixer
13.2. The Instrument Channel Strip in the Mixer
13.3. The Component Channel Strip in the Mixer
13.4. The FX Rack in the Mixer
13.5. Select an Effect
13.6. The Master Fader Strip in the Mixer
14.1. The Director
15.1. The Playlist Editor with Demo Songs loaded
16.1. Actions are set in MIDI System tab of the Preferences Dialog
18.1. The Pattern Editor
18.2. Inserting Patterns in the Song Sequence
18.3. The Mixer
20.1. Dialog to view and alter the Properties of a Drumkit
47. Visualization of the Interaction of the Different Pan Parameters

List of Tables

17.1. All OSC Messages
20.1. Common Licenses
22.1. Shortcut Table