9.4. Piano Roll Editor

Figure 9.7. Pattern Editor in Piano Mode

Pattern Editor in Piano Mode

The Pattern Editor can be used as Piano Roll Editor pressing the Input button.

While the Drumkit Editor focuses on using Hydrogen as a drum machine, you can also use it an instrument via the Piano Roll Editor. It gives you a complete 'piano keyboard' so you can easily put down your tunes.

You can compare the Piano mode to the NoteKey property in the Note Properties Editor. Only here you have a complete piano keyboard, so you don't have to select the octave first.


When entering multiple notes in one column - as a chord - the corresponding symbol in the Drumkit Editor will be prepended with e.g. a 3x to indicate the presence of three separate notes. Also, to adjust the note properties of the individual notes within a chord can be done by right-clicking on the note and dragging the mouse up or down.