7.5. JACK Control

Part of the Main Toolbar responsible for the JACK configuration. The left button is titled "J.Trans" and the right one "Timebase".

Clicking Grey button containing the text "J.Trans". will enable JACK transport. If disabled, Hydrogen will still use the JACK driver and registered audio ports. But it decouples its own transport state from the one of the JACK server and will not be in sync with other clients anymore.

The Grey button containing the text "Timebase". button indicates the current state of JACK Timebase support. Via this protocol one JACK cilent - registered as Timebase controller - can share its tempo and position information as beat, bar, and tick with other JACK clients supporting this protocol - Timebase listeners. When pressing the button Hydrogen will attempt to take control of Timebase.


When using JACK Timebase transport relocations should always be done within the Timebase controller application. Otherwise, you could end up at unexpected positions due to the limitations of that protocol.


The JACK Timebase API uses other terms for these two classes of clients we do not repeat in here.