After installing Hydrogen on your system you can invoke it from the command-line with a number of different options.
-h, --help Displays this help. -v, --version Displays version information. -d, --driver <Audiodriver> Use the selected audio driver (auto, jack, pulseaudio, ...) -p, --playlist <File> Load a playlist (*.h2playlist) at startup -s, --song <File> Load a song (*.h2song) at startup -k, --kit <DrumkitName> Load a drumkit at startup -i, --install <File> Install a drumkit (*.h2drumkit) -V, --verbose <Level> Level, if present, may be None, Error, Warning, Info, Debug -L, --log-file <Path> Alternative log file path -T, --log-timestamps Add timestamps to all log messages -P, --data <Path> Use an alternate system data path --config <Path> Use an alternate config file --layout <Layout> UI layout ('tabbed' or 'single') -O, --osc-port <int> Custom port for OSC connections -n, --nosplash Hide splash screen
Note | |
Which audio drivers are supported depends on both your platform and its installed packages. Your local help message will display all available options. |