The syntax for sending the commands is
with the supported types
' ': no argument required
i: int32
f: float32
s: OSC-string (ASCII)
Detailed description of the formats and conventions used in the tables below
ff: two types placed right after each other indicated that the command requires two distinct arguments.
' ',[f]: two types separated by a comma indicate that two versions of the command are available. To support TouchOSC all commands expecting no parameter are available in an alternative version requiring a float too. In the latter version the argument will be ignored and it is placed in squared brackets [f] to indicate its inferiority compared to the non-parametric version.
[0,]: limitations in possible values of the input parameters are indicated in the range column. For continuous values squared brackets [LOWER_LIMIT,UPPER_LIMIT] are used and a limit will be left empty when it is associated with a "natural" boundary, like the total number of instrument or pattern.
{-1;0;1}: sets of discrete values are shown in curly brackets and separated semicolon {VALUE;...} and usually feature the most convenient input options.
1.0: also in order to support TouchOSC all numerical input has to be passed as type float while most of these numbers will be rounded to integers internally. For all true float inputs the range column uses a floating point representation of the limits, like 1.0 instead of 1.
X: all commands ending with a /X/ require this character to be replaced by an integer and do affect only the corresponding instrument, e.g. oscsend localhost 9000 /Hydrogen/PAN_ABSOLUTE/1/ f 0.3. The instrument number starts at 1 and is determined by the order of the instrument in the mixer and pattern editor.
Table 17.1. All OSC Messages
URL | type | range | description |
/Hydrogen/PLAY/ | ' ',[f] | Starts playback. | |
/Hydrogen/PAUSE/ | ' ',[f] | Stops playback. | |
/Hydrogen/STOP/ | ' ',[f] | Stops playback and moves the playhead to the beginning of the song. | |
/Hydrogen/PLAY_PAUSE_TOGGLE/ | ' ',[f] | Works the same as /Hydrogen/PLAY/ if the playback has not started yet and same as. /Hydrogen/PAUSE/ otherwise. (The playhead will not return to the start of the song, but will stay at its current position). | |
/Hydrogen/PLAY_STOP_TOGGLE/ | ' ',[f] | Works the same as /Hydrogen/PLAY/ if the playback has not started yet and same as. /Hydrogen/STOP/ otherwise. | |
/Hydrogen/RECORD_READY/ | ' ',[f] | Toggles recording (same as pressing the record button) if the playback has not started yet. | |
/Hydrogen/RECORD_STROBE_TOGGLE/ | ' ',[f] | Toggles recording (same as pressing the record button). | |
/Hydrogen/RECORD_STROBE/ | ' ',[f] | Activates recording. | |
/Hydrogen/RECORD_EXIT/ | ' ',[f] | Deactivates recording. | |
/Hydrogen/NEXT_BAR/ | ' ',[f] | Moves the playhead to the next pattern/bar. | |
/Hydrogen/PREVIOUS_BAR/ | ' ',[f] | Moves the playhead to the previous pattern/bar. | |
/Hydrogen/SELECT_NEXT_PATTERN/ | f | [0,] | If Hydrogen is in Pattern Mode, switch to pattern f. If Hydrogen is in Song Mode, the command will have no effect. |
/Hydrogen/SELECT_ONLY_NEXT_PTTERN/ | f | If Hydrogen is in Stacked Pattern Mode, play back pattern f and stop all other patterns currently playing. In Selected Pattern Mode this action behaves like /Hydrogen/SELECT_NEXT_PATTERN/. If Hydrogen is in Song Mode, the command will have no effect. | |
/Hydrogen/SELECT_AND_PLAY_PATTERN/ | f | [0,] | Works as /Hydrogen/SELECT_NEXT_PATTERN/ combined with /Hydrogen/PLAY/. |
/Hydrogen/RELOCATE/ | f | [0,] | If Hydrogen is in Song Mode, locates the playhead to pattern number f. If Hydrogen is in Pattern Mode, locates the playhead to the beginning of the current pattern. |
/Hydrogen/BPM/ | f | Sets the current tempo to f. Note that this command will have no effect if Hydrogen is both in Song Mode and the Timeline is activated. | |
/Hydrogen/BPM_DECR/ | f | Decreases the current tempo by f. Note that this command will have no effect if Hydrogen is both in Song Mode and the Timeline is activated. | |
/Hydrogen/BPM_INCR/ | f | Increases the current tempo by f. Note that this command will have no effect if Hydrogen is both in Song Mode and Tempo Marker has been passed. | |
/Hydrogen/BEATCOUNTER/ | ' ',[f] | Calculates the average time passing between successive encounters of this commands and uses it to set the current tempo using the Beat Counter. | |
/Hydrogen/TAP_TEMPO/ | ' ',[f] | Another command calculating the average time passing between successive encounters of this commands and uses it to set the current tempo using Tap Tempo. | |
/Hydrogen/TIMELINE_ACTIVATION/ | f | {0,1} | Activates the Timeline if f is not zero and deactivates it otherwise. |
/Hydrogen/TIMELINE_ADD_MARKER/ | ff | [0,] [10,400] | Adds a Tempo Marker to the Timeline. The first argument specifies the pattern/bar to at the marker to and the second its tempo. |
/Hydrogen/TIMELINE_DELETE_MARKER/ | f | [0,] | Deletes a Tempo Marker at pattern/bar f on the Timeline. |
/Hydrogen/MUTE/ | ' ',[f] | Mutes the Master output (sequencer keeps running). | |
/Hydrogen/UNMUTE/ | ' ',[f] | Unmutes the Master output (sequencer keeps running). | |
/Hydrogen/MUTE_TOGGLE/ | ' ',[f] | Toggles the muting of the Master output (sequencer keeps running). | |
/Hydrogen/MASTER_VOLUME_ABSOLUTE/ | f | [0.0,1.5] | Sets the volume of the Master fader. |
/Hydrogen/MASTER_VOLUME_RELATIVE/ | f | {-1;0;1} | Changes the Master output volume, relative
to the current setting. For a value of 0 it sets the volume of
the master fader to 0. For a value of 1 it increases its
volume by 0.05 and for all other values it decreases it by
0.05. (-1 : -0.05 ,0 : 0 ,1 : +0.05) |
/Hydrogen/STRIP_VOLUME_ABSOLUTE/X/ | f | [0.0,1.5] | See /Hydrogen/MASTER_VOLUME_ABSOLUTE/, but applies to the Instrument Channel Strip provided in the OSC command path as X. Please not that this only affects Instrument Channel Strips. Strip volume control for Component Channel Strips is not implemented yet). |
/Hydrogen/STRIP_VOLUME_RELATIVE/X/ | f | {-1;0;1} | See /Hydrogen/MASTER_VOLUME_RELATIVE/, but applies to the Instrument Channel Strip provided in the OSC command path as X. Please not that this only affects Instrument Channel Strips. Strip volume control for Component Channel Strips is not implemented yet). |
/Hydrogen/PAN_ABSOLUTE/X/ | f | [0.0,1.0] | Sets the pan of instrument strip X. |
/Hydrogen/PAN_RELATIVE/X/ | f | {-1;1} | Changes the pan of the Instrument Channel Strip
X, relative to the current value. For a
value of 1 it increase the pan by 0.05. For all other values
it decreases it by 0.05. (-1 : -0.05 , 1 : +0.05) |
/Hydrogen/FILTER_CUTOFF_LEVEL_ABSOLUTE/X/ | f | [0,127] | For a value of 0 it sets the Filter Cutoff of the
Instrument Channel Strip X to 0. For all other
values it sets the cutoff to the provided number divided by
127.0. Please note that this parameter is not displayed
anywhere in the Mixer but in the Instrument Rack. |
/Hydrogen/STRIP_MUTE_TOGGLE/X/ | '',[f] | Toggles muting of Instrument Channel Strip X. Optional input argument will be ignored. | |
/Hydrogen/STRIP_SOLO_TOGGLE/X/ | '',[f] | Toggles soloing of Instrument Channel Strip X. Optional input argument will be ignored. | |
/Hydrogen/INSTRUMENT_PITCH/ | ff | [0,] [-24.5,24.5] | Sets the Pitch of the instrument specified using the first parameter f to the second parameter f. |
/Hydrogen/PLAYLIST_SONG/ | f | [0,] | Opens song f of the Playlist. |
/Hydrogen/PLAYLIST_NEXT_SONG/ | ' ',[f] | Opens the next song in the Playlist. | |
/Hydrogen/PLAYLIST_PREV_SONG/ | ' ',[f] | Opens the previous song in the Playlist. | |
/Hydrogen/UNDO_ACTION/ | ' ',[f] | Undoes the previous GUI action (not OSC command!). | |
/Hydrogen/REDO_ACTION/ | ' ',[f] | Redoes the previously undone GUI action (not OSC command!). | |
/Hydrogen/JACK_TRANSPORT_ACTIVATION/ | f | {0;1} | Deactivated the JACK transport support for a value of 0
and activates it for all others. |
/Hydrogen/JACK_TIMEBASE_MASTER_ACTIVATION/ | f | {0;1} | Unregisters Hydrogen as JACK Timebase controller
for a value of 0 and registers it for all others. |
/Hydrogen/SONG_MODE_ACTIVATION/ | f | {0;1} | Deactivated Song Mode for a value of 0 and activates it
for all others. |
/Hydrogen/LOOP_MODE_ACTIVATION/ | f | {0;1} | Deactivated looped playback for a value of 0 and activates it
for all others. |
/Hydrogen/TOGGLE_METRONOME/ | ' ',[f] | Toggles the metronome. | |
/Hydrogen/SELECT_INSTRUMENT/ | f | [0,] | Selects a specific instrument in the drumkit. |
/Hydrogen/NEW_SONG/ | s | Creates an empty song which will be stored at the absolute path s. | |
/Hydrogen/OPEN_SONG/ | s | Opens an existing song associated with the absolute path s. | |
/Hydrogen/SAVE_SONG/ | ' ',[f] | Saves the current song. | |
/Hydrogen/SAVE_SONG_AS/ | s | Saves the current song to the absolute path s. | |
/Hydrogen/SAVE_PREFERENCES/ | ' ',[f] | Saves the preferences. | |
/Hydrogen/QUIT/ | ' ',[f] | Exits Hydrogen. | |
/Hydrogen/NEW_PATTERN/ | s | Creates an empty pattern of name s. | |
/Hydrogen/OPEN_PATTERN/ | s | Opens an existing pattern at the absolute path s. | |
/Hydrogen/REMOVE_PATTERN/ | f | Removes pattern number f. | |
/Hydrogen/CLEAR_PATTERN/ | ' ',[f] | Removes all notes of the selected pattern. | |
/Hydrogen/CLEAR_SELECTED_INSTRUMENT/ | ' ',[f] | Removes all notes of the selected pattern associated with the currently selected instrument. | |
/Hydrogen/CLEAR_INSTRUMENT/ | f | [0,] | Works as /Hydrogen/CLEAR_SELECTED_INSTRUMENT/ but on instrument f instead. |
/Hydrogen/NOTE_ON/ | ff | [36,127] [0.0,1.0] | Handled like a MIDI NOTE-ON event without triggering Actions. The first parameter f determines the pitch of the note and the second f its velocity. |
/Hydrogen/NOTE_OFF/ | f | [36,127] | Handled like a MIDI NOTE-OFF event. The provided parameter f determines the pitch of the note. |
/Hydrogen/SONG_EDITOR_TOGGLE_GRID_CELL/ | ff | Toggles a pattern in the pattern grid of the Song Editor. The first argument will be used as column and the second as row. | |
/Hydrogen/LOAD_DRUMKIT/ | s,sf | Loads a drumkit into the current song. s can be either the name of a drumkit already present in the Sound Library Editor or an absolute path pointing to an extracted drumkit folder (containing both drumkit.xml file as well as all required samples). The second argument is optional and specifies whether (0 ) or not (any other value) instruments of the old kit should be kept in case newly loaded one has less and there are note present for that particular instrument in a pattern. | |
/Hydrogen/EXTRACT_DRUMKIT/ | s,ss | Inflates a compressed drumkit found at the absolute path s (first argument). The second argument specifies the target path to extract the kit to. It's optional and if omitted the kit will be extracted into Hydrogen's user drumkit folder. | |
/Hydrogen/VALIDATE_DRUMKIT/ | s,sf | Validates a compressed or inflated drumkit found at the absolute path s against the current drumkit format. When setting the second arguent to 1 the kit will be validated against all former drumkit definitions as well. | |
/Hydrogen/UPGRADE_DRUMKIT/ | s,ss | Upgrades a compressed or inflated drumkit found at the absolute path s to the latest drumkit format. The second argument specifies the target path to upgraded kit will be stored in. It's optional and if omitted the kit will be upgraded inplace. |